Download and Install NotesChatAI
Follow these steps to download and install NotesChatAI on your Mac.
Step 1: Download the DMG File
Click on "Download" to start downloading the DMG file.
Step 2: Click the "Download Anyway" button
Click the "Download anyway" button
Step 3: Double click the dmg file
Locate the downloaded DMG file by clicking the download icon in the top right corner and double click it.
Step 4: Drag NotesChatAI to Applications
Drag the NotesChatAI icon into the Applications folder to install it.
Step 5: Open NotesChatAI
Go to your Applications folder in Finder and right-click on NotesChatAI and select "Open".
Step 6: Open NotesChatAI
If you see a dialog box that the app can't be opened, click cancel, and try to open again.
Step 7: Try and open NotesChatAI again.
Click on the NotesChatAI icon again to open the application.
Step 8: Open NotesChatAI
This time you should see a dialog box regarding verification. Click open and the app will load up!